A somewhat reluctant 'last effort' leading to newfound clarity and opening for new possibilities!
Card of the Day
See mirror_living at Instagram.
Remember how we had 8oS twice a week ago?
Are we now 'solving this confusion'? Getting a grip on some of the things/patterns keeping us stuck or trapped by means of distorting our view through illusions?
We are now better able to "discern reality from fantasy"
Fighting for your own ideas, and boldly acting on your own will, inspiration and passion!
Happiness and openness to love coming from cutting through bullshit and rescue and victim mentality!
Thundering Power and 'universal timing' (The Star) - that's quite a forceful message...!
S8 again.
What is it that 'traps us'?
(YD we had the S8-cat trapped by a branch)
It's a challenge and we're (well) prepared for it - AND it will require that we're on top of our game and don't get caught in out head.
Courageously and curiously going after what we want - fully committed no matter the effort asked of us!
An audacious and no-bullshit presentation (nay, celebration) of ourselves - which IS the achievement! Recognition is not the point (but eventually it will come).
Stay the course - it's guaranteed success !