Two of Wands + The Moon, Hidden Realm + Chinese


Fiercely aligning with our passion, turning over all fears and old illusions about what life is about.

The Two of Wands speaks about "being in the midst of discovering who and what they are".
Being 44, I guess it's about time ><)
But it really have taken this long, as society doesn't really (read: at all) promote 'finding out who you are'.
Society is more concerned about us 'fitting in'. Adjusting. Being a cog in the machinery. Being 'functional'

So it's for sure a slow/delayed (reversed) process.
And a LOT of 'unconscious forces in the way', that need to be 'turned over' - The Moon reversed. SO many "truths" that are actually merely illusions. SO deeply programmed that it takes an immense amount of repetition to rewrite them.
And therefore, an immense amount of patience, poise and grace (#ChineseTarot )

It's hard work, but no matter how HIDDEN our True Self is always alive and kicking below all the layers of programming, fear and illusion.
Along with our birthrights: entusiasm and passion!

This card describes the process very similarly to Bashar.
"By simply enjoying themselves, they are experiencing and acting on their passions. As they discover what passions and actions please them, they being to make choices about themselves and their lives based on their innate drive"

And as always, there is the sense of 'choice' in the two.
Here the choice between 'logic and passion', or rather - fear or passion.
Following our old programming of 'survival, duty and function before all' - making pros and cons lists - or building a new life based on passion, excitement and love.

"This card marks the need for vision, for the application of DETERMINATION"
Yes. Because our patterns scream louder the more we go against our programming.
Making the fear and illusions appear and FEEL SO REAL.
It's of outmost importance to have our direction cemented before these fears sets in, because they are set on stopping us by all means necessary and, again, will feel VERY real.

"Identify your passion, and you have identified your choice. You will know it by a sense of freshness, potential, and excitement"

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