Two of Wands + The Chariot, Ethereal Visions + Circe


Trust the pull, and don't look down ;)

YD there was the vacillation between 'happy and sad'.
Enjoyment and guilt.
We've 'gotten over the worst', but 'hesitance' clearly remains.

It's like we've theoretically wrapped our heads around it, but we feel scared 'to actually do it'.
It looks like such a leap!!
The man in this version of W2 doesn't just 'gaze over the plains', he looks a bit bothered by the height or view in some sense. And it's a little bit of a 'tower looking card'. The wands almost as if 'out of the picture'.
And then there's the reversed uphill Chariot. And there again the 'cloudy' theme. Cloudy and a bit murky even, so there might be some residues from the vacillation and guilt/shame that was on the table YD?

The good news is that's there's no real hurry, we have the time to 'get our ducks in a row'!
The W2 is a card of planning, and the Chariot is about getting our inner energies aligned and 'pulling in the same direction' - and not stress if they are not yet. It's about the process and the journey, not the destination :)

We don't need to know 'exactly how to do it', and certainly not 'how to get there'.
We don't need to feel fully ready or prepared - and not scared that we are not.
Our focus is best placed on 'clearing resistance' - inner one.
Clear our minds from fearful thoughts, such as 'it's too high', 'too steep', 'I cannot see how I will make it'.
Again - we don't have to see it!
Just believe it and 'trust the path' :)
Trust 'the pull'.
It's real.

Remove beliefs standing in the way - the so called limiting beliefs, lurking around every single corner!!


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