Two of Wands, Fire Tarot


A 'red pill blue pill' experience!

"a man creates fire with the elements around him"

What for moment truly felt like a dark, lonely and very scary place suddenly contains so much potential because we figured out how to 'combine the elements and create fire'!

You are probably familiar with the #WayneDyer quote "When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change", but might it be even bigger than that - that we somehow even CHANGED things?!
Jumped from one possible future to another - from one dimension to another - Matrix style?!

Let me elaborate.
Something happened. Something that clearly flipped or shifted something in our system - or opened something up - scaring the shit out of us.
We could have succumbed to that fear and believed all the stories our mind tried to tell us about both the event and everything triggered within us, and choose to resist or repress the shift because it was just too uncomfortable. Let old programming run the show. Leading to one particular kind of outcome.
We could choose to SURRENDER to both the fear and all the triggered emotions, and allow the highly uncomfortable shift to happen with total openness to the process. Leave all narratives behind and just listen, to EVERYTHING. Kindly interrupt old programs trying to intervene.
Mysteriously opening a door to another dimension, outcome and possible future?!

A contemplation quite 'out there' ,:) but I'm gonna stay open and entertain the possibility that it might just be true!


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