Two of Wands, Dark Wood Tarot
Having a bird's-eye view on the situation.
There has been some back and forth in the cards lately. Bravery, adventure and expectation vs holding back and hesitation.
Summarized in 'confusion' yesterday.
I read, "Do not rush to decisions" - which I interpreted already in yesterday's card.
As long as we're confused by the polarized energies (2 wands) we better 'stay still'.
As long as fear (of the discomfort) is the motivation for action we better remain.
There's one thing to be afraid of the unknown, and another to fear discomfort and uncertainty.
Action despite the first is courage, action because of the second is something we want to avoid if possible (fight or flight)!
It's the 'comfort zone' vs the 'window of tolerance'.
The first is rather important to continuously push the boundaries of and the second can be a disaster to push ourselves out of, if done in an unconscious way - with too little support, preparation and/or conscious awareness
W2 - planning.
Important: contemplate the 'confusion' with a "bird's-eye view" - it's not the situation, it's what it triggers inside of us.
Not to get lost in 'the decision', or a fear/worry about consequences.
The 'future' is not in our hands, nor for us to control - our emotions and (re)actions are though.
Things ARE about to change and 'happen' - that's a given.
Focus: NOT rush or push A change, to 'get out of confusion/ambivalence/discomfort'.
Focus: prepare for THE change.
Task: contemplate our current comfort zone and Window of Tolerance.
So we don't act in violation of the 2nd when action is due!
Deck: #DarkWoodTarot