Two of Swords + The World, New Vision + Spirit


Remember this woman?! We got her 10 days ago - and here she still is, "waiting for the invitation"!

Because we're dealing with a not so 'straight-forward situation'.
One might be tempted to even call the situation 'complex', but that's not really true. Complexity - and uncertainty - are creations of the mind.
And this is exactly what's happening now - shown in the S2.

Something has happened which have triggered and switched on a fears, and thought patterns.
As long as we are following our intuition and our (pure) passion everything feels rather simple and straight-forward - no matter how 'complex' things are on the outside. When we trust in, and follow, the flow we're riding on a strong sensation that 'everything will work out' - because it will!
When we do NOT trust in 'the organizing principle of the Universe' and begin seeing (and maybe even looking for) problems we've entered a rocky road, and a path on which we must 'solve' stuff. And 'figure stuff out'.
And our current situation just contain too many moving pieces for this to be possible ,:)
Enter: 'paralysis' (or distraction) mode. "a state of paralysis, where the individual is unable to make a decision or move forward. They may be overwhelmed by the weight of their options, leading to procrastination, delays, and a general sense of being stuck"
(which can be hidden under a banner of 'working hard')

Solution: remind yourself to look at it from a new perspective. Let go of concepts such as 'problem' and 'complex'. Reconnect with your instincts (horse).

This is one reason why the woman paused.
To give time for uncertainties and fears to pop up and be released.
To ensure that an invitation comes from a 'truly decided place' and not on a whim or an unconscious 'happy go lucky' place (which is a possibility with the NN in Pisces - the escapism route).


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