Two of Swords, Fire Tarot
What is it about time that we throw in the funeral fire?
We got the Two of Swords (and Two of Wands) three days ago.
Then in the sense of 'needing to make a decision'.
But we we're then advised to 'raise above'. To just 'be with our situation'.
Wait for our fear-driven thoughts to settle.
Wait for the 'imbalance in forces' to even out.
What has this period of reflection (moon) given us?
What is it that we now need to (willingly or unwillingly) 'throw in the fire'?
What does our hearts tell us to move on with, and what not?
Maybe there's still not so much about doing though, as it is about feeling, intuiting and reflecting over our situation.
"life and death - that combine to regenerate in each other"
Deck: #FireTarot
Theme: "inner fire"