Two of Swords, Cosmic Tribe Tarot


Any conflict is an invitation to peace!

Another somewhat unconventional interpretation.
Coming to terms with the fact that 'conflict' is a part of life, and also of peace!
As You cannot experience peace if you have nothing to compare with :)

So whatever crossroads or decision making we are at, we can choose to look at it with anxiety or as a natural part of life.
Whatever conflict we're experiencing - within or without - we can choose to look at it merely as two different perspectives, both with a right to exist. Just because we may prefer one over the other doesn't mean we have to judge the other! We can just register it and choose not nurture it.

Neither peace nor conflict is permanent - why let any one of them control us or dictate our actions?!

"staying calm in the midst of turmoil and you will be able to handle conflict constructively"

And also - leading by example.
By handling differences and challenges in this way we inspire others to do the same!


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