Two of Pent's + The Thinking Man, Unicorn + Energy Oracle
I don't immediately resonate with the cards, but let's dive in.
Someone who has a lot to juggle, and is in deep thinking about both this fact and 'how did I arrive at this'.
Someone who has probably been in a similar situation before (too much on his table), but it's a little bit different this time. There are 'new elements' to this situation - I register a little foal.
Maybe the new thing is both a new project or matter but also an awakening - a new way to handle a situation like this. By pausing and actually thinking about the situation, and not just pushing on and trying to be everywhere for everyone. By actually reflecting on personal needs, wishes and wants. Becoming more acutely aware of the matter of integrity (horse).
It looks like The Thinking Man ("male of wisdom or understanding") is able to detach from all that is happening and all that he juggles - turning his back. Letting things 'take care of themselves' for a bit, while he ponders 'is it really worth it?' Where am I going? Is this what I really want? Is this leading to what I want?
"Standing before an archway, gazing at a crystal in his hand"
The archways symbolizing possible choices and paths, the crystal symbolizing something precious.
A newfound capacity to choose what to juggle and what to drop.
Is the 'emotional imbalance' we've been urged to contemplate the last few days beginning to resolve?
Have we finally been able to distance ourselves adequately from our situation, as to be able to figure out what's truly important for us and make thought through choices that aligns with this?
Maybe we're recommitting to the same things as before - but it's a great difference between recommitting and just blindly continuing and being afraid to actually 'look at what we are doing', 'hoping for the best' and not even know what that 'best' is!
Maybe we calibrate and adjust a bit. I don't see a total change in direction.
I like how the colors once again match so beautifully. That burnt yellow turning into orange, the yellowish green.
There's a warm and harmonious feeling over them. A little dark, but calm.