Two of Pent's + The Chariot, Schitty + Broken Mirror


Time to let our guard down and our 'tough image' go!

Many are the women that act like the lady in the first card. In all arenas of life.
"Oh hell no, a broken leg and a crutch won't stop me from doing and balancing everything! I'm tough as nails!"
"I can do it!"

Yes, there ARE things that must be 'pushed through', but FAR less stuff than we like to believe ,:)
Now it's time to break both these beliefs and the images we hold around 'strength' and 'toughness' - in ourselves and others.

NO we DON'T always have to "keep it together". Or "deliver". "Push through".
Not physically, and not by insisting on radiating this image of ourselves outwards.
ESPECIALLY as women.
It's a myth.
It's against biology.

For the first card I read about PRIDE.
Why do we have this pride around being 'unbreakable', and probably untouchable - emotionally unreachable?
When did that become a virtue for us?!

Well, it isn't true :)

This isn't something that is changed on a coffee break of course, as it's a belief and "truth" so deeply ingrained in us.
We have just never even thought about question it. And if we did, it always seemed right to be strong.
No one can really argue with that, right?!

No, but might it be that we have a very skewed perspective on what strength is?!
And where did we get that particular perspective from? That strength looks like the image in the first card.
When in truth there are SO many more and other ways to be strong.
Toughness in this sense just isn't a goal to push for as a woman!
Biologically AND energetically speaking.

Today let's just be with this message.
Not DOING anything with it, just being with it.


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