Two of Pent's + Nine of Cups, Kingdom Within + Art of Life
Be careful not to pursue external success at the expense of 'inner fullfillment' and 'true happiness'.
Jupiter in Capricorn. The joyous giant in the sign of the stubborn hardworking goat (A dear friend of mine has this).
It's important to 'climb the right mountain' to use the words of Steven Forrest #EvolutionaryAstrology
Have we clearly consciously chosen the mountain we're climbing or are about to climb?
Or are we climbing for climbing's sake, because a mountain happened to appear, or to show ourselves or others that we CAN 'conquer anything'? Or because we haven't even considered that we actually have a choice?
Maybe a hard one, but choice we have.
Maybe we don't like to say no. Maybe we're afraid 'what others might say' if don't climb the same mountains as them, or the ones we're 'supposed to climb'. Maybe we have some ingrained but false (for us) beliefs regarding what success is or looks like.
When the most important thing is what it FEELS like.
Maybe we have some ingrained and false (for us) beliefs what hard work "should" look like - that it have to result in 'outer accomplishments', something to 'show for it'.
When the most important thing (for us) is something completely different.
When we climb the right mountains the hardship and even exhaustion feels purposeful, no just...hard, and depleting.
We feel deeply satisfied at the top and not merely relived and mentally 'done' exclaiming things like 'I did it!' (followed by a 'now I'm worth a donut' - like we weren't before...)
Were and how are we saying yes to others (or old beliefs) but no to ourselves?
How can we adjust what we do today - and HOW we do it - so it becomes a little closer to our nature?
Can we look at our 'to do list' with fresh eyes - is everything on it important to US?
Can we try to play with how we 'check it off'?