Two of Pentacles, Light Grey Tarot
Finding balance (and sensing how the energy currently wants to move/flow) before taking action!
"Balance, prioritization. Imminent change and movement; prediction followed by adaption to change."
I really like the look of this card!
The colours, the undulating shapes, the composition.
A little bugged by the teardrop though ':)
But the sad face and the teardrop mirrors well how change can involve sadness and grief.
When the change involves saying goodbye to a pattern or habit we've had for all our lives.
Even if the habit is destructive and well about time to release, it can be painful to 'leave a part of ourself behind'.
It 'took us all the way here'. It's has been a part of our comfort for so long. Not the healthiest of comfort maybe, but still comfort.
Maybe we wonder who we will be without this habit or part of us.
But the truth is that the part itself won't leave, it will only change jobs!
#InternalFamilySystems #IFS
To a job more in alignment with our core needs, and needs for thriving (rather than mere surviving and fitting in).
This comes through our understanding and compassion for ourselves and the habits we developed in response to #Trauma (#cptsd ), and now and henceforth 'choosing differently' than we used to.
Consciously choosing different responses to our emotions and reactions.
Consciously choosing to prioritize differently.
Consciously choosing to find balance before action - rather than thinking that balance will come through action (thinking that balance comes through reorganizing or changing something or someone else).
On the surface, to the 'common person', it may seem like nothing special is happening - but in reality, it's a HUGE change happening!
It may look like 'business as usual' from the outside - but it's nothing of the sort!
In fact, it's VERY unusual business!
We're doing things in a totally new way, from a totally different place than we used to.
Hence the importance of pauses, taking it slow, and being VERY gentle with ourselves.
To really make space for all eventual sadness and grief.
The #transformation process itself is the most important thing - not what's 'being done' on the outside - that's merely the stage and the tool.
It's the HOW, not the WHAT!
Deck: #TheLightGreyTarot