Three of Wands, Hidden Realm Tarot
A tender and deep relationship unfolds.
I have truly NEVER, even for a second, wanted children - how to interpret this?!
I see the child as representing a relationship. I refer to how a relationship between two people is like a third entity - shown by the #CompositeChart in #Astrology
It's so interesting how this third entity can have needs and requirements not at all in line with either of the two persons involved - or 'side' with one of them.
I experienced the first example strongly recently, when a person from the recent past suddenly contacted me after a period of silence. There was just something that annoyed the hell out of me with him before, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Or not him even, something else. Now, this 'second time around' I realized it was the (needs of the) relationship itself that just don't 'vibe' with me!
A relationship with a Virgo North Node - and with the "other" clearly preferring to swim in the undefined and detached waters of the Pisces South Node. Both of those energies 'creeps me out'! If I 'go along' with the SN-things the sense of hanging in the past is unbearable. If I 'push' things towards the NN I get SO uncomfortable and stressed, as the Virgo-energy just ain't what I'm personally striving for, or thrive in.
This dawned very clearly on me as I now had a totally different relationship 'to compare with' - with a person who just happened to appear in this 'gap of silence'.
The relationship has needs that very much align with MY (and his - astrologically at least) needs!
Cancer NN/MC, 12th house sun, 8th house moon.
Oh the difference in experience!
The latter feels just like shown in this quite touching card.
A very tender, intimate and safe relationship. Two individuals who seem to feel the preciousness of both the other and the relationship, and feel an instinctive need to care for and nurture it. A distinct level of commitment, though the relationship has no 'title'. A mutual individual freedom of choice that creates a very special kind of intimacy.