Three of Swords + The Hermit, Under the Oak + Voyager
We're the captain of our own journey!
And the cards want us to continue pouting ;)
S3. Traditionally picturing a stabbed heart. Here a wide eyed...what? Mask? Statue?
From a brand new deck I just opened. Symbolizing 'turning your dreams into reality' - even if you are 'visually impaired'. I have #aphantasia and cannot "imagine" things "in my minds eye". It's totally blank in there. So I can't 'manifest my dreams by visualize them', which is such a popular advice nowadays!
"Tormented and paralyzed when faced with the choice of others"
So, the feeling that we cannot reach OUR dreams because of others' choices?!
Wow, that's an disempowering feeling.
And a lie!
Disempowering THOUGHTS (swords) that is.
"If only so and so had done so and so instead"...?
Then our life would have been like magic?!
Oh the lies our heads tell us.
Oh the amount of power we give to other people.
What a waste of time, mulling over OTHER people's choices?!
Aka, let them control what WE think, feel and do.
Or somehow believe that it would be so awesome if WE could only control THEM - what 'they' choose and do?!
For sure an excellent way to torment and paralyze OURSELVES!!
The advice and cure for this - withdraw!
"shut out worldly distractions" - which other people's lives and choices are!
Realign with our own truth and focus on OUR OWN choices, and not put our happiness or the responsibility for our dreams in the hands of others!