Three of Swords, Robin Wood Tarot
We're in the midst of a peculiar mix of beginnings and endings. Letting in and letting go. Receiving and releasing.
Wow, #RobinWoodTarot three days in a row ... !
Quite unlikely considering I'm using a random deck generator and have 200+ decks.
Heavy work, but with the intent to make it easier in the long run - S10 yesterday.
Today: painful or grief inducing decisions, as they in one way or another relates to loss or involving 'giving something up (or preparing to do so)', but again - 'for the long-term good'. As we're actively working with the energies of the moment (Jupiter and Uranus about to conjunct for example) and listen to 'were life wants us to go'.
Life is about to turn in a new (maybe or probably a bit unexpected) direction or enter a new phase for us. It needs to, whether we want/like it fully or not!
Because we know that if we don't 'heed this calling' and make some changes or adjustments the cost will be even higher then the called for loss the change will involve.
As a 'staying put' would amount to nothing less than hanging on to something we've grown apart from, be it a thing, relationship, habit, attitude etc. It probably feels appealing or tempting to put the change of just a little bit, until we feel 'a little more ready' (what would a month or two hurt...?) - but that's the voice of the 'defense system'. It comes from a place of fear. Following THAT voice will certainly have us 'miss the train'. Leaving us with an icky feeling. Sure, it will feel 'safer', but with an aftertaste of betrayal - betrayal of ourself. As we then would have robbed ourself from an opportunity of growth and expansion that won't come back.
Thank god we 'know better' than to follow that voice!
We listen, we embrace, say thanks for the perspective, but choose change and expansion before the suggested 'survival safety'.