Three of Swords, Dreamkeepers Tarot
"course correction"
To navigate out of this old hurt and pain we need to listen more to our bodies than our heads!
I'm referring to the pain mentioned yesterday - the pain we keep alive by telling the same old narratives over and over.
That our lives are doomed to be gloomy and grey, and devoid of pleasure, in some particular area or perspective - because we've experienced nothing else.
Fact: that we've not experienced something YET doesn't mean we can't or we won't!
Of course, if we keep telling ourselves that we can't or won't, the risk of creating a self-fulfilling prophecy is great.
What if we just drop the old stories about what's available to us or not?
We don't even have to know what to 'replace' the stories with, it's enough to drop the old - and then follow the knowledge in our bodies, and let the new stories create themselves as we expand beyond the known.
As we explore 'the candy shop' (yesterday) that have appeared before us - if we dare to see it and walk in.
Our bodies want to... Are we really going to let our heads stop us?? Are we going to continue to hold on to old hurts and let old fears dictate our lives?
Or just drop it and 'course correct'.
Can we remember and ignite the dreams we had and truths we felt in our bodies as children and young adults?