Three of Swords, Ceccoli Tarot
The piercing pain of others not seeing our true beauty or transformational work?
How can we grow through this pain?
For starters: to truly see our own beauty and appreciate the transformation we've made!
The more WE see it and FEEL it and BELIEVE it, the more it will be mirrored in our outside world and the people in it.
Also, we have a choice to stop hanging around people who doesn't see it - rather than focusing on the disappointment of them not doing it (or worse, closing down with them, trying to make them, or change them) :)
And the old classic: OUR people will see our beauty and celebrate our transformations and "wins" with us, and will also be empowered and uplifted and inspired by it!
It's very important to NOT close down at this point, but to remain open THROUGH the pain!
In closing down we hurt ourselves so much more than we 'teach' others or 'protect' ourselves.
It's NOT protection to shut down, it's repression. It's resistance and denial - the same denial we accuse 'the other' of. Denial of our core!
So again, IF it's true that others 'don't see us' it's most likely an invitation to see and appreciate ourselves more clearly.
Because IF we appreciate and truly see our own value we wouldn't allow anyone NOT seeing it into our lives?!
OR, it wouldn't bother us as we 'know the truth' - that we ARE beautiful and valuable 'no matter what others say or do (or don't say or do)' and therefore we don't NEED the confirmation or validation thereof.
So, just an excellent opportunity to embrace pain and eventual disappointment, and keep up the transformational work!
Focus on NOT SHUTTING DOWN, and Love Ourselves through it :)
(and maybe consider to increase the distance to or take a pause from those we perceive are 'disturbing this loving' for a bit - at least until we can release our urge to blame them or "awake" them)