Three of Pent's + King of Swords, Dreamkeepers + Erotic Fantasy
Not a day to push it, but to keep our vision and become even stronger in our purpose!
A rather different P3. Only 2 persons, to start with. And looking more like giving-receiving than the traditional 'cooperation'.
I think about 'giving your gifts' when I see it.
Putting these two perspectives together, and adding the reversed, I go to the thought that it might not be a day to 'cooperate by giving'.
Because there is some resistance in the situation - that king does not look calm and happy!
And, a risk that our desires or fantasies eclipse our reason.
Giving is a nice thing, but it can 'come at the wrong time'. Or 'from a wrong place'.
Now it seems it might be a bit of both, whether we know/feel it or not!
And also, giving is a masculine thing (producing testosterone), so as women we might have to be careful with this at times.
Receiving is the feminine thing. And nurturing - which is not the same thing as giving.
And, then there's the difference between nurturing, caring and supporting.
Sometimes it's important to get these nuances right!
As when we don't - we might annoy the masculine, and put the polarity out of balance.
If the masculine is 'untrained in the polarity dance' we might very well annoy him no matter what we do ><) and need to 'step back'. And offer space.
And NOT react by 'giving more', to 'get him back'!
That's an 'act of neediness' and only pushes the masculine away.
Neediness and acts of the same pushes most relatively healthy people away, as it feels quite suffocating - like having that thing pushed down your throat in the 1st card!
So, while we THINK we are giving, we're merely forcing ourselves onto them, or 'into their space'.
Forcing them to receive.
This doesn't mean we should become passive or 'apathetic', just that we 'get back to ourselves'. Our purpose. Our long-term visions and dreams. Our own happiness.
Let things unfold rather than push them.