The World + Eight of Pent's, Anna K + Maat
The "tests" won't end until we're not triggered by them! Only THEN will we "arrive"
Finally cards that are mine ,:)
First a card we've seen a couple of times lately: The World reversed.
'Delayed completion'.
Because there's still work to be done - P8.
Skills to refine.
There's no reversed definitions for this particular World, and it mostly talks about how this is the most beautiful card in the deck. A card of 'becoming one', within and with the cosmos. Finally having found "your place in the world, your spiritual home"
Almost - reversed.
We do have a strong sense of knowing our place, but there's a little more to learn or practice before we can embody that place. Or before we fully are the person for that place.
A little bit like the saying ""The right doors won't open for you until you are the version of yourself that's supposed to walk through them."
I sense it is something like that.
Not in a major way. Not that any 'complete change' is necessary. The big transformations are already done (for now).
It's about refinement.
Equally important as the big changes though!!
Because the doors we're talking about are sensitive.
The 'place we call home' requires us to be quite polished, and not just roughly shaped.
Not perfect, but well on our way so to speak!
It may very well annoy us, the 'level of perfection' it feels like we have to reach.
Being so close, and encountering yet another "test".
Just trust that the test - and passing it - is necessary!
Before it we ARE not ready for the 'next level'.