The Tower, Wildwood Tarot


It's not a fall, it's a release - of trapped energy!

Energy previously used to holding on to 'foundations of sand'.

We're doing it: enough of the waiting, more creating, 'feel like it has already happened.
Going 'against' the body's resistance (the talk-back yesterday), as we know it's "just programming".
If we didn't know about these mechanisms, 'over-riding' our body can be dangerous, and even a quite dumb thing to do. With awareness though, it's 'mindful reprogramming'. 
A touch of of resetting.

The body might still be crying out. Habitually believing we're 'killing ourselves' - because we've pushed ourselves too hard, for too long, before. It 'knows we're we will end up'.

But this time it's different. We're more aware and conscious. We have tools. 
This time we will bring the body along. Not just run over it, not ignore it. Listen to it - but not believe everything, because we know more about the mechanisms of 'belief'.
And beliefs constitute our foundation.
Hence, not believing everything the body tells us WILL rock our foundations.
For the good!

We will now teach the body how we want to feel, based on the beliefs we've already changed long before this - but without bringing the body along! We've mostly 'done it in our heads'.
Why the body reacts the way it does now - anticipation of 'a crash'. All kinds of alarms going off.

All is well - setbacks and all!

"Be patient, wait and learn from the process of loss."
Loss of things, relationships, old beliefs, old feelings - a lot has to go to create something truly new, from the ground up! <3

Deck: #WildwoodTarot

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