The Sun + Page of Swords, Dark Wood + Mystic Mondays
Blinded by impatience!
The Sun "reveals the unfolding of who you are and what you are capable of", and the "unfolding of the heart's desire".
But it isn't a quick process and can easily "become boring" for a rapid-fire thinker (or a #ManifestingGenerator with 9 channels...)!
So the ego/head comes up with all sorts of clever things "to do while we're waiting", not understanding the term #patience , at all!
If we feel we're entering into a 'waiting mindset', or like mentioned above, that restlessness creeps in - triggering distractive 'doing patterns' masquerading as 'productive' - it's an invitation to pause. Pause and realign with #patience.
Patience is about being one with the process - waiting is wanting to speed up or to get away from the process.
Of course we can, should and must 'do stuff', but it's something about the energy in these cards signaling that there's a restlessness we better not act from if we can avoid it. As mentioned, an urge 'to do to get away' rather then 'do because it's right to do it'.
There's an annoyance or an irritation lurking that would do us good to #contemplate
Why are we so eager for things to speed up, or reluctant to wind ourselves down?
To just stop and sit with ourselves.
What are we afraid might happen if we do?
Are we maybe a little afraid of what's unfolding?
Our own strength and light?
Because it's foreign to us?
Are we afraid that we don't know what to do with it?
Afraid of the responsibility it brings?
In one way or another there's a fear wanting our attention.
Otherwise we wouldn't feel so impatient and eager to distract ourselves or push things - and feel annoyed/irritated when doing it!
But even this is a part of the process- and not a 'fault' on our part - so let's be gentle with ourselves!
Let's sit down an be curious about it, and turn it into a 'good' thing :)
#Gentleness #curiosity
Deck1: #DarkWoodTarot
Deck2: #MysticMondays