The Star + Six of Wands, Enchanted + Urban
(feeling) Lack of direction and progress.
Urban Tarot two days in a row.
The Star ("peace after the storm") and Victory - reversed.
Doesn't look that good?!
But is it that we've lost our guiding star and will fail, or is it that we have troubles seeing our guiding star and that victory is delayed?
I go with the latter considering the previous cards.
Cards talking about confusion and dimmed sight (clouds), palpable insecurity and a reversed Tower telling us - 'soon my dear, soon this rather disruptive challenge will be over'.
Almost there.
These card summarizes the same thing.
Soon you will see more clearly - maybe not the full picture, but something will appear that we can lock our eyes on for direction.
I read for the W6:
"a hard-won struggle"
"The six has met that opposition (the 5) head-on and has come out proudly on top."
Again, it's much about learning about ourselves through others and through 'living our life'.
Deck: #EnchantedTarot
Theme: "the land of our dreams"
Deck: #UrbanTarot
Theme: "coping with society/the ordinary"