The Moon + Four of Wands, Lost Tarot of Nostradamus + Gold Lyre
A fear to embrace the beautiful things that are rapidly unfolding right before our eyes.
The Moon
"the way that seemingly unconnected events come together and are shown to influence each other"
Yes, everything seems so incredibly intertwined these days!
Every little detail so perfectly fits into the unfolding of things.
"Of course THAT had to happen", "of course it has to be this way" - I don't know how many times a day I say or think stuff like this!!
And at the same time as it is an unfolding and exploration, it's all like a great 'remembering' too.
Remembering who we are.
It's probably because of that remembering it slowly reveals to us 'why we are here'
A 'before the doors can open you have to become the person who is meant to walk through the door' kind of thing.
And now we are!
That is why we also meet new kind of people, with whom we immediately form a deep sense of connection with. People who are 'total strangers' but whom we feel strangely 'at home' with.
And the connections we already have become even deeper (or fall away).
The more we 'come home to ourselves', the more we can feel at home with others - and the more we attract 'our people', whom with words are almost unnecessary at times!
Four of Wands.
"These two honor coming home to each other"
"They embrace an alignment that can't be seen"
It is a bit scary though (reversed).
A sense of 'this must be to good to be true'.
Creating a fear to fully embrace it, because it's all so 'sensational' AND much of it 'goes against' the notions we had about how life SHOULD be, become and unfold ,:)