The Moon + Eight of Wands, Fire + Egyptian


It's urgent that we see through our own illusions and fear now, and act on what we know is true - and that there's no such thing as impossible.

The theme of pure passion and inner fire - what inspires us and 'turns us on', not in merely a lustful kind of way but deeply.
That which Bashar instructs us to follow in life.

The Moon
Talks about knowledge vs illusions. Fears (illusions) concealing and hiding what we deep down know is true. 
A confusing and dim (moon) awakening to the fact that we're 'living in one reality but would prefer another' - yet 'circumstances make it seem impossible'. Impossible to 'follow our passion' full on. We have to 'sit this one out' or make some kind of compromise, don't we??
But a deep calling from inside just won't quiet down about the matter.

Therefore we MUST ask ourselves the question, is it ever TRULY impossible to 'shift our reality'??
'According to quantum physics' - no.
No matter how 'physically unlikely/impossible', it is highly 'spiritually/theoretically' possible.
It's actually just a matter of choice...!
A matter of 'deciding what we want to observe'. Or, a matter of adjusting our beliefs! And especially: throw out the limiting ones!

From today 'live as if' while simultaneously rewriting our beliefs - into believing that the impossible is in fact possible!
And it will be.
We don't have to bother the slightest about the HOW!!
The Universe will take care of that.
We just need to rest in deep trust and faith - just like we naturally did in the womb of our mothers.

Eight of Wands.
No time to waste - lets get on with it!
It's of evolutionary importance (#EgyptianTarot )

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