The Magician + The World, Javanne + Cosmos
Today the cards scream even louder about NEW. YD two Aces, today two Majors.
It's not just new. It's better. It's transformation and reinvention.
Or, as The Magician expresses it:
"New knowledge and old wisdom meet and set new roots"
"Just like the snake you are changing skins"
Finally slipping out of old habits and limitations, and making the appearance that we want to make!
Meaning "Display more of your inner self, especially that which makes you feel different"
And then we have the powerful Phoenix, rising from the ashes.
"Dies in an outburst of flames, only to be born again from its own ashes"
Just like the experience of a 'dark night of the soul', when we ALMOST get consumed by our old patterns and fears, only to rise SO much stronger and freer 'on the other side'.
That's what's happening now.
We are NOT the same person we were one year ago. Or one month ago. Or even who we were yesterday!
The growth and expansion we've been through this year, and especially the last couple weeks, is CRAZY!!
Now THE WORLD is truly our oyster!
"precisely now is a good time to think that today is a totally new day, offering completely new possibilities for change"
Really a time when the saying,
'the sky is the limit'
is more fitting than ever!!