The Magician, Blooming Cat Tarot
How can we best support the blooming of our best selves?
Refrain from, or put a halt to, wasting our talent and energy!
We're all 'guilty' of it in one way or another - doing stuff we're not 'meant to do', to please others, to 'fit in', to belong, to 'put food on the table', to 'survive', because 'the system says so'.
There's nothing fundamentally wrong with this, it's all a part of the journey.
The hero's journey of awakening, individuation, deconditioning, transformation - or whatever we want to call it.
The journey of eventually coming to a place we're it's just not worth it any more, or not possible even - because deep insight or because the body says NO loudly, through pain, dis-ease, or and accident for example.
Let's not wait for the latter!
Let's have the strength and courage to say NO to things and people that doesn't support or contribute to our blooming process. The things and people that have 'taught us all they can', for now.
Let's move on with the things and people who (consciously or unconsciously) contribute to our expansion (and not to our contraction).
This doesn't mean that we should leave all that's uncomfortable.
Rather, to learn to discern between 'a healthy discomfort' and an unhealthy one.
Or, to discern when and where our talent and energy is wasted, and when and where it is not!
To have the courage to feel and see when we have to redirect our energy and focus - when we need to withdraw it from places where it used to support our blooming process (and therefore serve the whole) but no longer does.
Remember we got pretty much the exact same message yesterday?
"It's time to burst forth with your talents and energies. Let nothing deter you."
Turns out it wasn't a aprils fool's joke ;)
Deck: #BloomingCatTarot
Theme: "Time to bloom!"