The Lovers, Cosmic Tribe Tarot
"relationship requires focusing on their own soul while supporting their partner in doing the same."
("Love is complicated, so the The Cosmic Tribe has three versions of the Lovers" - I use all)
"they will effectively mirror that which the other's psyche is in search for."
"all will not be smooth sailing."
Fire can be passionate, but also aggressive.
Water can be smoothing, but also overwhelming.
The Lovers, two times in three days.
Clearly there's a relationship or things happening mirroring/activating stuff - inviting you to 'come closer to yourself' - 'embracing all your parts'.
Two males - yang heavy.
I think 'domineering/controlling/managing protectors'.
I think about the cards yesterday - the reversed (grey/blended) Emperor.
A step has been made to separate yourself from some masculine traits, and/or separate some patterns/parts from each other, and befriend/embrace them?
Though strong and appearing intimidating (yesterday's slick Emperor), forceful parts of us just wants to protect us, and typically do what they do to 'hide vulnerability' (two naked blokes today).
Maybe you suddenly feel more exposed and fragile.
At the moment some of your building blocks (parts) are disassembled - as is unavoidable in deconstruction work (to build something new with your lego, you have to take apart the previous construction).
Of course there's a sense of 'weakness/brokenness/feeling lost' (and a part urging you to 'get your shit together ASAP' :))
All is well - your inner family ('cosmic tribe') is healing!
/ The Existential Engineer :)
Deck: #CosmicTribeTarot
Theme: "let love flourish wherever it goes"
Card: The Lovers
"Love is hard work because it requires you to confront your unconscious projections."
"can be a psychologically painful process."