The Hierophant + The Sun, Native American + Everyday


"The man outside the norm", who knows when to withdraw and how to recharge. 

Who knows when and where to focus his energy - where it is of service (to the whole), and where he merely 'burns the candle" and no one is receptive to neither his light nor his heat.

Maybe we don't fully know yet - but we're learning! 
Exhaustion is a great teacher ;)

It can teach us where we actually don't fit in - or shouldn't TRY to fit in! By showing us a 'full body resistance' (exhaustion, or the like) as an answer to our pursuits.

Which can be quite exhausting and even devastating for that deeply ingrained part of us that really WANTS to fit in.
Oh what a 'caught between a rock and a hard place' situation ':)
When the longing to belong and be accepted overrides the need to follow our own heart and path.
When our inherited programming says the first is the basis for our survival, while the soul knows the second actually is.

Again, it's about choosing the right discomfort :)
Something we far too often (choose to) 'learn the hard way', by trial and error, by hitting rock bottom - rather then being 'the one outside the norm', who follows intuition, inner wisdom (rather than programming), nature, dreams, visions.
The latter really being a rarity today.
Something that needs to change, if we (individually and collectively) want to survive.

We just can't keep going against nature - our own or the one (seemingly) outside us.
Exhaustion within, exhaustion without.
Draining ourselves, draining the planet.

Hidden in plain sight!
For those with eyes (and courage) to see.

Withdraw and recharge.
Realign. Invest your (inner and outer) resources wisely, like 'The Man Outside the Norm' :)

Deck1: #NativeAmericanTarot
Deck2: #EverydayTarot

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