The Hermit + The Empress, New Vision + Today's Journey


'Prepping for the new child' and 'focusing far ahead' while isolation in "forced upon us".

Our "eye sight" have changed quite a bit lately. Suddenly everything around us looks different than it did only 2 months ago (#NewVisionTarot ). Wherefore we have realized that things must change.
WE are no longer the same person. Our needs have changed.

We are talking about a REAL change. The New Path I've written about lately. Requiring a actual 'fall' of part of what we have built so far, as it no longer suits our needs.
Making room for something brand new.

It's such a grand makeover, that it requires quite some preparation - no matter how 'urgent' it feels to some parts of us.
Hence some sense of 'forced withdrawal'. Quiet time with ourselves to really contemplate the situation, and let our inner guidance show us the best way forwards. Only in total silence will we hear and feel this, and be able to 'see the path ahead', lock our eyes on our goal. Which is important. Because when 'the shit hits the fan' things can get chaotic, and we have to be crystal clear about our direction.

While not loosing touch with our excitement about the new!!
That's equally important.
To NOT get bogged down in what we lose (remember all the C5s?) and 'how we have failed' (because people might be eager to point that out to us).
Even if it's an unexpected need for change, and includes a 'fall' it IS necessary! It IS for the good - it's for development, growth and expansion!

And everything up till this point was ALSO necessary. NOT a failure - no matter how it looks (and feels).

Falls, failures and losses are the most potent teachers. Most often our greatest teachers.
It's part of The Hero's Journey.
And who likes to watch a movie that hasn't got major shifts and challenges in it?!

One Day at the Time (#TodaysJourneyTarot )

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