The Hermit, Holy Light Tarot
Operating by laws of Being instead of becoming, following natural time rather than clock-time.
The way to abandon all false paths goes through having 'learned the norms before attempting to adress the deviations'
To naturally outgrow and release ourselves from every role we've played on behalf of our culture. The act of separating oneself from the grip of the hive mind - the "trance of self-absorbed subjectivity"
When we follow our hearts the superficials of cultural reality become so uninteresting in their insubstantiality that they naturally fade away - fall like dry leaves from the tree in the autumn.
This is a space "accessible only to the intrepid"
By contemplating fearful fight-or-flight reflexes we release consciousness
to it higher destiny.
We arrange daily life to "avoid unnecessary worldly demands"
Because we seek "experiences that exceed the five material senses"
We have moved from "clock-time to natural time"
With a strong focus on "staying true to inner currents".
It's a life of self-discipline.
A life of being "alone in a magical landscape much of the time, following inner lights, not answering to outside forces."
The life of one who is gifted with a need to "understand our intergenerational planetary destiny".
Giftet with a need to "interpret the oracles"
One born to be the "observer who can fathom the subtleties of a situation without directly entering into it" #Observation #Contemplation
One who is destined to collect "such a wide range of exposures" that s/he "only has to look within to accurately diagnose the dilemmas that arise in the environment"
#PatternRecognizer #Entanglement #Evolution
Deck: #HolyLightTarot