The Hermit + Eight of Wands, Housewifes + Magical Dogs
So again almost contradicting cards!
Should we withdraw and take that bath or MOVE, and that swiftly!?!
Both can actually be true :)
I sense that we're asked to 'chillax' and act in a decidedly 'grown up' fashion in relationship matters, but be fierce and active specifically in relation to unwavering loyalty.
That is, be rather sensitive to "game playing".
We had the subject up for viewing already YD. When we were advised to 'not be shy', but to 'remember who we are'.
To again, drop all games, all facades and pretends. In Scorpio style not hide the fact that none of us are 'all good'.
And that it's a great difference in knowing and owning this, and fall into the grips of our desires or so called 'bad sides' - which we have no choice but to do if we are unaware of them or try and repress them.
Then we end up "playing games", and manipulate people and situations.
When we switch on our 'raw side' we most probably will provoke people whether we like it or not. Partly to test our own stability and capacity to stay in control of our desires and our instinctual side. We will be tested and tempted 'to cross the line'.
And the advice is to plainly and simple withdraw when others 'misunderstand us', misinterprets our "signals" or project their wanted and unconscious desires onto us. To not excuse ourselves, shrink ourselves, and not explain ourselves - simply 'withdraw into our chambers'. Comfortable and secure in what kind of relationships we want - and don't want! And therefore plainly don't "play along" in dynamics we don't fancy!
And. Without judgment. No lashing out or coldness.
On the contrary - with love!
A magical kind of loyalty, which the other part don't even comprehend - but feel.
Their ego's register our withdrawal, and might experience some disappointment, confusion or insecurity, but their soul's will feel our strength and certainty in and commitment to our desires and wants. The Love for ourselves AND them in our non-confronting NO to 'unaware (immature) relating'.