The Fool + Seven of Wands, Cat + Linestrider


Who said it was going to be easy to walk your own path?! It will be worth it though :)

Two days of 'confirmation' that we indeed know who we are and what we truly want on a whole new level.
Our enthusiasm, passion and calm do not lie.

I've already wrote about how important it is to 'cement this' through 'small confident steps', as to not 'make the beginning /challenge too hard' - as we WILL meet resistance. Our own old patterns resisting and complaining - and it being mirrored in our outside environment.

Today's cards picture this very well.
The Fool from The #CatTarot inviting us to 'take the leap' even, and not merely take 'safe small steps'...!
While not being 'totally reckless' though - #LinestriderTarot reminds us about 'walking the razor's edge' and 'hold our line'.
Because, again, we WILL meet resistance. Which we can interpret choose to see as 'sparring partners/challenges' instead of adversaries or 'problems'. They help us become even stronger, even surer.

The Fool
"Trailblazers needn't worry about the opinions of others"
"Cat-like curiosity is your guide"
"optimism about the venture ahead"

Seven of Wands
"urges us to not deny the battle, the fear, or the fatigue, but to feel the fear and do it anyway"
"take a stand; it's not a time for passivity"
"you will not be left alone to enjoy your accomplishment"
"the are people on your heels ... attacking your efforts"
"you possess the the skills and tools to hold your ground and keep climbing"

"you may be in a situation where you need to defend your relationship or deal with competitors"
"you have the power to maintain your ground, to be compassionate and understanding but not weak"
"you must take a stand and fight for what you BELIEVE is right"
"passivity is not the answer"

You got this!!

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