The Empress + The Lovers, Blooming Cat + Steampunk
Nurturing unions and choices that creates more than the sum of its parts - unions that complement each other!
Choosing and nurturing that which makes our hearts "leap at the thought".
This world of ours need more people choosing from a place of love rather than from scarcity and fear, or 'what's in it for me' or 'fear of spending (investing)', or fear of loosing something.
Choosing for the sheer joy of 'merging' with something that awakens our hearts and dormant parts of us.
Immersing ourselves into something for the experience of it - not loosing ourselves in thoughts about results, outcome, profit, efficiency, function.
Daring to #bloom !!
Refusing efficiency without beauty, creation without joy, doing without pausing, activity without passivity (reflection).
Choosing not what our hearts 'ache for', but what makes them leap and us smile!
Our hearts 'ache' for things we believe will 'save' us, 'complete' us #projection #distraction #traumaresponse #fear
Our hearts leap for things that can help us grow, develop, expand - people that complement us and our gifts #abundance
Venus is 'journeying backwards' (retrograding) in the sky - a very potent time to contemplate what we truly want, value and appreciate, and how much of our time and lives we allocate to these matters and attributes - and to what extend we 'put it off to later', or hope it will suddenly appear in some far away future.
In what ways are we 'settling', or compromising in a self-deprecating or lose-lose/win-lose fashion?
Are we 'walking our talk'?
Are we choosing to 'unite' with things and people that nurture us, and if not - why?!
If not choosing with our hearts NOW, when?! <3
Deck1: #BloomingCatTarot
Deck2: #SteampunkTarot