The Empress + Ten of Swords, Art of Love + Luminous


Are we finally seeing the end of 'mental resistance' and the birth of both a true nurturing capacity and great potential for abundance thanks to it?

We have been deeply afraid to open our hearts fully, 'thanks to' deeply ingrained fears of many types, depicted by this large bunch of swords piercing the innocent little fragile bird.
Again, the fears have one thing in common - they are 'mental'. Calling them merely 'thoughts' doesn't capture the essence of it. Calling it 'beliefs' comes closer to the truth, but gives the impression that we are aware of what's going on. We have to add the word 'programming' to it too
Some of it we ARE conscious about, but the greater part of it is unconscious. And even the conscious beliefs/thoughts have unconscious roots to them - running deeper than we could ever have guessed. That is - before our 'heart was challenged' in a relationship situation pretty much forcing everything to the surface in the most obvious way.

Something happens when awakening Divine Feminine meets the Divine Masculine (the latter we saw YD).
How much are we ready to give and receive love? BE love?
And - what stands in the way??
As it turned out - VERY MUCH! SO many limiting beliefs and fears, piercing us from all directions.
Lists upon lists of 'reasons' why we are not worth it or ready for it, why it's a bad idea, why it's dangerous, why it's impossible, why it's too good to be true, why it's not going to work. On and on.
As soon as we've dissolved one fear, another one takes it's place - each one louder than the one before.

But the cards have been firm since the beginning - do not turn back.

"you are ready to nurture, heal and open your heart"
"You can create anything, not because you need it, but because it is your purpose to create"
"an actual or symbolic marriage or birth"


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