The Empress + Five of Swords, Catomancy + Spirit


We 'got away from the flames', and the rebuild of confidence continues.

YD we got the card with the 'cleansing bath', that I alluded to wasn't or was not going to be as joyful as it looked - it really wasn't, as it amounted to bathing in the deepest and longest buried emotions in our system! None especially comfortable on their own, and now they came up pretty much all at once.
The struggle was real.
It originated in and triggered patterns of deep insecurity - a lack of confidence in our divine feminine (Empress R). Epic levels of insecurity - SO important to clean out of our system.

A struggle not for the faint of heart - requiring the skill and focus of a Samurai (YD) to 'get out of it alive'.
It was like a forest fire when (what it felt like) all the old patterns just run amok - familiar ones and unfamiliar ones. Fearful thoughts in ALL direction, each contradicting the previous one. 1, 2, or 10 had been easy to 'listen out', but 1000??
But like the creature in the S5, we finally and with a sense of 'just barely' got away (S5) - in my case 'with a little help from a friend'.

It looks like 'the worst is over' now.

"after a period of conflict, you are ready to move forward with your life and create positive change" S5 R, Biddy Tarot

But the 'danger' isn't over yet. Like all real forest fires we have to keep watching it, as it very easy rekindles. It may look like it's all over and 'merely smoke', but in the ground it might still be burning.

"Uncertain outlook" S5 R Spirit Tarot

It's not possible to quench and secure the whole area 'for certain'. We must monitor and be very alert for a period of time.
We can NOT just run away.
We have to continue to embrace the 'Samurai spirit'.
And actively build confidence in our Divine Feminine - by 'acting differently than we would have in the past'


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