The Emperor + Using, Hidden Realm + Love Pack


When making changes and taking actions to create 'a better world', more in alignment with our authenticity and the 'evolution of the species', there might be people that 'get hurt' and 'feel used' along the way - that is, the people that for one reason or another just don't 'fit the picture' anymore.

It takes quite the strength and character to 'accept a situation like this'. To not succumb to the fears of others, or oneself.
To have the courage to advance and take the next step - despite 'rocking the boat' or 'hurting people'. "Be the one who...."
Maybe be the one who will be PERCEIVED as 'using the situation'. As people in pain like to project their hurt onto others.
It takes quite the strength, awareness and wherewithal to not absorb projections like these.

Sometimes very uncomfortable changes are necessary.
Now more than ever in OUR lifetime this is a fact.
Pluto just entered Aquarius permanently.
And I personally have my Uranus opposition - and a very recent progressed New Moon.

If i DON'T advance in suggested and felt direction I will 'die from inside'.
Or life for sure will become a living hell ,:)
So whatever discomfort the path will present, it will be better than refusing to face it and make necessary changes and shifts.

And this is how it is collectively too.
That means that the persons that will 'get hurt' in the process, are the ones who have their feet on the brakes and resist changes. Those are the ones that will project their pain outwards, and try to find scape-goats.
It is then up to us 'changers' to not gobble up the shame and blame 'the resistent people' will shower us in.
And stand strong in our 'divine purpose and direction', knowing it is for "the greatest good for the greatest number".

And also to let people feel and do what they like. If they want to blame, shame, hurt and 'feel used' - let them.
Letting others make their choices is an important one.
To let others live in their own reality, without trying to change it.
It's perfectly possible to live in a separate one parallel to them.

And we're back on that theme.
Creating a new reality.
And to create a new "life-enhancing" sustainable reality means "blending passions, emotions, and beliefs"
It is possible, and have now become necessary for a LOT of people on the planet.

That involves leaving people and all sorts of things behind, including beliefs and certainly limitations.
And for a period - comfort ,:)
But there is always comfort to be found in TRUST.
Faith in that the 'Universe Got Our Back'


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