The Emperor + The Sun, Eden + Luna Sol
The way back to 'Eden' is not through control and being right but through radiance, freedom, innocence and expansion!
There is a part of us that 'knows what it wants' and maybe 'how it ought to be/develop' and 'what's right'.
But from which and who's perspective?
The part of course says it's from 'a general' perspective - that it's not what I think, it's how it IS.
But again, through which lens...?
It's very likely colored by tradition, if we dare to look a little closer...
It's very likely based on a great portion of 'common sense'. What is this common sense based on though...?
You know how they say that the challenges match our level of awareness?
We're now getting trickier and tricker tests and tribulations.
To really get to the roots of our habits and trauma patterns, and especially in regards to the theme of control/authority.
Circumstances asking if we can shine even in the most veiled situations.
Being offered the strangest of 'baits' to enter into drama.
Paradoxes and shifts in energy like we've never experienced before.
For example a person playing out a plethora of Shadow reactions (#GeneKeys ) - unconsciously (almost desperately) wanting to trigger us to push them away, express anger or disappointment, become confused and 'crave clarity', or having to 'be right', 'demand answers', and so on and so forth.
And that's the most important thing to remember: it's Shadow reactions - not 'the real person'.
The more shifting and erratic, the more certain one can be.
So let's focus on keeping our balance through 'the storm', knowing that our 'calm' annoys the shit out of drama thirsting Shadows, craving things to be as they are used to - even if it's unhealthy.
This the lesson here, first and foremost - remaining calm and radiant.
It's not that we're supposed to 'put up with anything', but in this very instance we're invited to 'become the loving witness' rather trying to be right, fix, or even ... help.
By remaining radiant and 'ever warm' and by not engaging in the shadows, we engage with the inner frightened child of the other person. So that this little child/soul, if even for one time, can feel the presence of unconditional love.
That's how deep change can be made.
Most likely nothing will 'happen on the outside', but within there's a vital shift, no matter how little.
Deck: #TarotOfEden
Deck: #LunaSolTarot