The Devil + Who I Am, Cosmos Tarot and Oracle + Dreaming Girl Highway


What kind of images of ourselves are we chained to, and blocked by?

Which images of ourselves have we inherited?
Which image do we think we have to show?
Which image do people have of us, and which do we THINK they have?

Who ARE we in truth?

Are we living as images or as our true self?
Big existential questions today.
Because they are warranted.

We are currently being blocked by an unconscious and distorted belief about who we are - or rather, are "supposed to be".
Because of an insane pull from the beast called:
"social approval"

"Lost in the house of mirrors" is a very illustrative expression and image.
What are we seeing in the mirror and who do we think we 'should' see in the mirror?!
And why??
For and according to whom?

What images are we having a great challenge to accept?
Being fat or thin?
Being happy or sad?
Yes. There can for sure be a hidden blockage to 'being someone who follows their happiness', in a society very 'duty' is held in very high regard. Not in our heads, but deep down in our programming.
This kind of hidden images are what we are talking about here.

And "principled (moral)" images like: "I'm not a person who does X, Y or Z"
Where have we gotten the principles from?
Do they serve a purpose?

It is now certain that some kind of 'distorted (or principled) image' is blocking us from expanding.
Again, development, expansion and evolution requires the breaking of rules and principles - including our own!!


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