The Devil + Knight of Cups, DisassembleD + Rider Waite
Breaking free from and picking apart the allures of invitations and incitement!
There have been some interesting and exciting experiences in the 'relationship department' the last week. Events and dynamics that would have "enslaved" us in one way or another before. 'Lured us' into illusions and wishful pipe dreams or heartbreaking longing, because they spark something instinctive in us. Not knowing what those instinctive mechanism are and how they work, and not knowing what 'stand in the way' or cover those mechanism (fears and defense patterns) has 'put us of track' before. Or "chained us to our lower frequencies", and "falling pray" to the invitations and the excitement.
Something has happened! Our 'eyes have become clear' ,:)
We "suddenly" no longer have the same knee jerk reactions we used to when 'charismatic people' enter our life, or when people we love dearly "don't choose us". We suddenly don't 'get blinded by the light' nor 'pushed into despair'.
We can enjoy both the entering and the departing of incitements without getting 'hooked', and actually somehow even enjoy 'rejection' - because we can "see what's going on", see it for what it is!
We appreciate 'the timing of things', which becomes so obvious when you 'see clearly' and not have your eyes clouded be fears.
Because we've 'picked so much apart' - disassembled our old reactions and habits in the relationship department, and studied both the concept of 'polarity' and trauma/conflict so deeply.
So now we know, feel and respond to our emotions in such a vastly different way compared to before, and also see, feel and register things in others very differently too. Now we don't see only green flags waving when we meet a new and exciting person, and don't only see red flags when people "treat us in a way we don't like".
Neither do we feel the same need to try and affect people, or make them perceive us in a certain way - or control what people do, or how things develop.
NO need actually!
It's SO much more empowering to put our ego aside and 'focus on our own business (and process)' and watch and observe things 'unfold by themselves'! Watch people making their own choices without our 'suggestions', and by observing others making their own choices getting to know them better too, and were they are in THEIR processes.
Maybe not fully patiently ;) but still - what a progress!!