The Chariot + Page of Pent's, Holy Light + Golden Age of Hollywood


Hold your horses and find the magic in the moment!

What to do when we're (continuously) challenged with:
* things 'taking wrong turns'
* thing 'costing more (time, energy and money) than predicted'
* the Universe repeatedly thwarting our plans >< , :D

We're probably being asked:
'Who are you when things doesn't go as you expected?!' 

Things are 'happening' so we can become 'unshakeable'!
By scrutinizing our immediate reactions and the deep held beliefs behind them, when things suddenly shift
(I have Uranus conjunct my Sun, so 'the unexpected' is actually part of who I am)

Collectively, we're afraid of #TheUnknown
Collectively, we (re)act to 'being wronged' , 'having to pay for it' , 'not having control'
Collectively there's a general imbalance in 'rights and obligations' (loving our rights, and loving to point out others obligations ;))
(and, I have Uranus inconjunct my Moon)

We may KNOW that things aren't happening TO us.
That we're never the victim - of anything
The body, emotions and 'inherited programming' begs to differ though #JoeDispenza #BruceLipton ':)

"The horses run away with the cart"

* not rushing into action before 'enlightenment' and stability - feeling at home
* action only from 'acceptance, calmness and abundance' - not 'fixing', victimhood and scarcity
* accepting the 'interruption'
* finding alignment with the redirected flow
* go beyond our set limitations in the time-space- continuum

Raising a 'Veto' on thoughts and reactions implying we're a victim of circumstances.
Feeling into how we can switch. Act from a different place.
Break patterns, write new (more authentic) programs (reconfigure the nervous system).

Deck1: #HolyLightTarot
Deck2: #GoldenAgeOfHollywoodTarot

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