The Chariot, Disney Villains Tarot
Not so fast!!
Maybe we have a 'long list', things we want or feel we need to get done, but it's like 'time (or energy) is not on our side'.
While it might be true that these things need to be done - it's not as urgent as we think.
It just isn't.
It might SEEM so - for whatever reason(ing) - but it isn't.
We have exactly the time we need.
To get one thing done at the time.
FEELING into what that next thing is - with our whole body, and not just our mind.
And, practice not worrying about all the things not getting done (yet) ;)
Each thing will get done exactly when it should.
If WE 'chill', the Universe will chill with us.
Things will fall off the list of their own, or more time will be given to us.
Compared to if we (choose to) stress about it - the Universe will give us more reasons to stress ,:) as we 'seem to like it' ;)
What we focus on grows.
Attention acts like a magnifying glass.
Sure, some things will 'fall between the chairs', and simply not get done.
But then that's just what needs to be.
For whatever reason.
Maybe we will get an answer, maybe we will not.
One thing is certain: stressing or worrying about things have NEVER helped their 'solving'!
Deck: #DisneyVillainsTarot