Ten of Wands, Samurai Tarot
Things are not as threatening as we judge them.
Have you seen a more stable balcony or house?
It's a matter of perception rather than 'reality'.
A ghost from the past.
"Free your mind of prejudice and learn to watch."
Oh how eager our minds are racing to 'conclusions', and soon after - solutions.
The 'problem' is that our (the mind's) conclusions are based on past experiences - not the present moment.
Maybe emotions connected to some (or repeated) unpleasant experience(s) is triggered, or maybe it's THE FEAR of having theses emotions awakened and the memories of how unbearable that was - I register how calm the waters actually look!
And maybe it's a case of making things much more 'worse' or a lot more laborious (W10) then they have to be, because were trying to prevent something that hasn't even happened?!
That's how history repeats itself - by us reacting in the same way as we did in the past.
By us trying to prevent something from happening (again).
Out of fear. Tricked by a #BrainGhost
Tricked by a mind telling us that emotions and feelings are dangerous, unsafe, signs of weakness, and have to be 'fought off'.
Feelings and emotions are what separates us from machines.
Isn't that one of the reasons why AI scares us - that they/it won't care?
Is 'the raise of AI' merely mirroring how we humans collectively have distanced ourselves from our hearts - from our feminine, nurturing and soft qualities?
Considering the pace in which we collectively destroy our home (Earth), the extent we judge our neighbors, dislike ourselves, and wish to 'kill and fuck' all that doesn't please or suit us?!
The good news:
It's enough that a few of us decide not to play along with all the brain ghost from the past hanging around!
Accept and embrace that most of it is an inherited or ingrained fear of change.
A deep fear of changing our perspectives.
Fear of letting go of old 'facts' (which are merely facets - Robert Edward Grant)
It requires the unselfishness, discipline and courage of a samurai.
Deck: #SamuraiTarot