Ten of Wands, Robin Wood Tarot
Putting in some hard work to ease the 'burden' in the long run!
This deck two days in a row!
We are not as lost (in the woods) as part of us may feel ':)
It may look peculiar from the outside. Like we're making some rather strange decisions and acting counterproductive.
And it might be that we're in quite the doubt ourselves - if we think about it. So lets not! :D
Let's continue the 'intuitive juggling' - yesterday's card (from the same deck).
No reason to pretend we're certain, in control or know were we're going - there's nothing wrong with feeling uncertain or afraid and not knowing were we're heading.
The key now is to show courage and 'do it any way'. Do what we know we must do, though not knowing fully why, though 'heavy'.
What makes it so 'hard' is that we're interrupting years and years, maybe generations, of patterns and habits.
Years of having to have explanations for all our actions, pretending to be confident, only doing things with clear reasons and goals, things others approve of or endorse.
It a tough thing, 'going against the stream' - whether it's coming from outside or inner resistance, or both.
We're doing heavy healing work now!!
That's the central thing here - not the 'outside manifestation' of it (the so called 'situation' we're in)!