Ten of Wands + Page of Cups, Eclectic + Luminous Spirit
Letting go of some self-imposed pressure and wrapping ourselves in our dreams and feelings of lightness!
W10 almost always talks about 'oppression' and being overloaded in some sense.
And so often by CHOICE - conscious or unconscious.
If it's unconscious it might be really hard to see and accept this fact.
Maybe we were taught to 'work hard' at a young age and never even thought of questioning it, so it just became a truth and a 'that is the way it is'.
Maybe we've had years and years of 'I might as well do it myself' or just have had a hard time with 'how others do it'.
It doesn't really matter what path we took to 'end up at this place', the important thing is to REALIZE it.
Especially if we are women, as a 'do it all ourselves' lifestyle is particularly detrimental to our health - it brings our testosterone levels off the chart (why men actually can thrive under heavy loads).
Whether we have gotten something 'lifted of our shoulders' or just made the choice to release some 'shoulds', or something else that 'put pressure on us' - it IS happening, for our and the greater good!!
A total reversal of how we relate to 'responsibilities'! WHAT they are, and HOW we do them.
It has of course been quite a process, and yet it dawns on us almost as a surprise - a sudden unexpected sense of lightness!
"stumbling upon a happy surprise - joys leap from the cup with unexpected abandon.
Don't be afraid of their suddenness, but ask yourself to be more loving, more open to emotions, more accepting of your intuition"
It's the joy, our hope, and a bunch of other emotions that has been trapped under deep layers of shoulds and "imagined responsibilities"
Let it flow <3
All is coming together!