Ten of Cups, Shapeshifter Tarot
Let's be compassionate with and to ourselves!
The 'resistance to' (or delay) of happiness theme continues (yesterday: the Joy of Living deck/page reversed).
But let's not beat ourselves up for the (involuntary) resistance, shall we?!
Maybe we never learned how to be happy!
Maybe we weren't cherished for or supported in growing our happiness.
Maybe our happiness or happiness in general wasn't prioritized when we grew up.
Maybe we grew up being afraid of happiness some how...?
Believing it's not for us?
Believing we're not 'worth' it?
Believing it's shameful to be happy in some way?
If anything of that prevails, no wonder our body and mind resist, shrink and/or get afraid when happiness or potential happiness shows up in our life.
In some sense we might have learned not to even see happiness.
Or that we've got to 'earn it' (which we don't feel we do?)
Or that it will be taken away from us as soon as we enjoy it.
Or that we're bad if we prioritize it or enjoy ourselves/something.
It's ok if a part(s) of us feels all this. They have their reasons.
It's ok if part(s) of us wants to 'look away and crawl into a cave and hide' at the mere hint of happiness.
That they want to get away from all these emotions (water).
Let's not punish or push these parts.
Let's not shame them.
Let's not 'you ought to' them.
Let's hold space for them.
Let's embrace them.
Let's acknowledge their pain and fear.
Having our compassion, curiosity and support they will eventually shift.
Deck: #ShapeshifterTarot