Ten of Cups + Knight of Pent's, Everyday + Javanne


"open yourself and reveal more than usual - you are worth knowing"

"You are a delicate and/sensitive soul and the protection you surround yourself with was necessary in your childhood or an even more distant past. Now it is a hindrance for you (and those around you)"

Maybe we've "failed" in relationships before, and that is etched in our system.
Maybe we've "settled" in relationships, both romantic and otherwise. Settled because of this shield, because of our protection. Because of an ingrained belief that we are not 'worth knowing'. At least not the REAL us.
So we have lived behind a mask. Hiding ourselves and our emotional life - the "oval water bubble".
That's why we have attracted the people we have.
People that also shield away much of themselves. People that are also in shame of parts of themselves. People that present an 'adjusted likeable version' of themselves. Or an outright defensive version of them selves, as to hinder people to come close.
All this of course makes deep, honest, fulfilling relationships utterly impossible!!

"The pickaxe symbolises his will to come out of this closed world of his"

To attract and create relationships that are more fulfilling. 
"Our people" will be able to 'handle' all of us. They will in fact LOVE to get to know ALL OF US!
This should feel  "effortless". True friends don't have to be chased or coerced to hang out with us!
Scary, sure. As it's super vulnerable. But not an ounce of having to prove ourselves or that we are loveable.
The right people just will. And we won't be able to stop them from it!

That we haven't met many of these yet doesn't mean they don't exist, it just means that we haven't been open enough to attract them!
As long as we shield our essence away from the public "our people" won't be able to see and find us.
It has to start with us.

"The time is ripe for him to open up"
"you are worth knowing"


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