Ten of Cups + King of Cups, Goddess of Love + Shadowscape
Be open for anything and everything - and much of it - and don't try to control it! Let it flow through you!
Emotional fulfillment and emotional imbalance and immaturity, what?
I couldn't really make sense of the cards, or even relate to them in any relevant way.
But, not many minutes after I pulled these cards my Astromatrix app notified me about the upcoming Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces, and it's uncanny how the writing about it was pretty spot on what the cards show!
To sum it up.
Pisces - water - all Cups.
"allowing emotions to move through us and for the cards to fall where they may"
"We can choose to surrender to the divine plan rather than attempting to control the situation"
So, aside from what's happening in our personal lives, it IS an "emotionally charged" moment in time.
Full Moon in Pisces, and an Eclipse - a karmic touch. Past life stuff. Again - personally and collectively, as there is a really tight connection to the 'generational planets' Pluto, Neptune and Uranus. And the 'social planet' Saturn, bringing "reality" to the table.
Trying to 'take control of things' (especially our emotions) now would be a very futile and probably detrimental task and choice of action.
This is a time when the "veil is especially thin", "memories, lessons, and wounds may drift in, which could feel confusing and painful at first".
Nevertheless, "a golden cosmic opportunity to do deep healing"
"release, purging, surrendering"
And, we may see a lot of people choosing to escape the hell out their situation and the intensity of emotions (C10) and the "unbearable emotions" they feel overwhelmed by!
The 'path of immaturity' (King R) one could say - low frequency Pisces/Neptune.
'Numbing themselves 'til the storm passes'.
Each to their own!