Temperance + Knight of Pent's, Today's Journey + Heart
One foot in front of the other, bravely, patiently!
Walking the tightrope of life.
Maybe we don't feel as confident as the book describes this "costumed acrobat" - but we have the ability to 'balance' whatever it is we're going through!
A key? "Good judgement" #discernment
Listening to our heart, acting from love and 'enduring' through periods where patience is needed.
"One false step and she tumbles to her peril"
Listening to intuition AND being constructive.
Not hasting forward on pure inspiration.
It's very important that things are done and are allowed to happen and unfold in the right order - and that order is something we have to FEEL out, not think out!
The "constructive" thinking comes in handy whenever a step or a task has been defined - for the 'logistics' of it. While being very careful to not let 'practicality take over', and kill or override our sense of presence and 'trust in the unknown/magic'.
That is, not to let 'reason' tell us or discern what is possible or impossible.
We're halfway out on the tightrope - not a good time to begin 'reasoning' or doubting ourselves or our path!!
Nor to become distracted #discipline