Step Away from the Crowd + Three of Swords, Answer Is Simple + Spirit Within


The only way to solve our 'emotional dilemma' and reconnect us with our true core, is to Step Away from the Crowd - release ourselves from the hive mind and connect firmly with our own core.

That is, release ourselves from others' opinions and all the 'shoulds' and 'collectively agreed upon rules'.
Yes, we are back on that theme again - the one about 'right and wrong'.
And how important it is to not 'get caught up in it'.

It will be impossible for us to find the right path forward from here if we 'listen to the crowd'.
Or worse - if we follow it...!
That would lead us straight into massive 'sorrow'. The deepest and most painful sorrow of them all - the one induced by not following the yearnings and callings from our deepest core and Higher Self.

If we think and feel that we are in a somewhat painful situation emotionally now, that's nothing compared to what we will feel if we 'make the wrong choice' in it - and take the 'crowd route' and not the one our inner guidance asks us to courageously take.

It may FEEL or appear as we have a very tough choice before us (because of outside circumstances and 'crowd opinions'), but in reality - The Answer Is Simple.

Partly because it's not even about 'making a choice' or an active 'breaking free', but merely about shutting outside influences out, 'going within', and take it one aligned step at the time from here.
That's the only way to stay on our own path now, and will require neither having had to push a 'break free' nor 'make or declare a choice'.

All that needs to happen will then happen organically, and not be as painful as we FEAR.
If we THINK it will or believe it HAS to hurt - or if we push it - it will.
If we trust our inner guidance, keep opinions (and fears) out and 'follow our passion' with an attitude of love, the path will magically appear before us, and we will receive all the help we need to walk it.

There is NO HURRY.

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