Six of Wands, Good Tarot
It might not FEEL good right now, but know it's for the long-term good!
For two days we've basically been told to 'go for it!, whatever that means for our particular life.
To follow our talent, support our own blooming, to not waste our energy.
When we actively do things in this direction our Shadows may awaken and bite us in our asses.
When we jump into something new, or when we end something and leave it in the past.
All kinds of feelings of guilt, shame, blame, rejection, discord, etc., can blow up within.
The shadow side of our #GeneKeys is one way to phrase it - my good am I glad I found that transmission!
My major Shadows are Doubt, Corruption, Superficiality, Victimization, Oppression.
Force is also always there lurking, but that's the one I've come most to terms with (#LIfesWork ).
Lets be gentle with ourselves!
Lets not get caught up in the emotions.
Lets focus on awareness.
Lets be patient and let the Shadows rise and fall away, in their own time.
Lets not interrupt the process (repress or react)
"It's a time to renew my trust that I am contributing to the highest good of all in my own unique way."
By following our talent, and not wasting our energy on things we 'ought' to do, or things others want or think we 'should' do.
Deck: #GoodTarot